How taxi apps are getting women into business

Today, for the first time since I started using taxi apps, I came across a lady driver. While my mind was full of doubts about the trip, I was excited when I saw the name Patricia Mumo. I tracked her arrival, but she seemed to take too long to arrive. When I called her, she was a bit far and I felt disappointed. But maybe it was my fault – my phone had picked the wrong location.

How taxi apps are getting women into business

Today, for the first time since I started using taxi apps, I came across a lady driver. While my mind was full of doubts about the trip, I was excited when I saw the name Patricia Mumo. I tracked her arrival, but she seemed to take too long to arrive. When I called her, she was a bit far and I felt disappointed. But maybe it was my fault – my phone had picked the wrong location.

Today, for the first time since I started using taxi apps, I came across a lady driver. While my mind was full of doubts about the trip, I was excited when I saw the name Patricia Mumo. I tracked her arrival, but she seemed to take too long to arrive. When I called her, she was a bit far and I felt disappointed. But maybe it was my fault – my phone had picked the wrong location.

Patricia Mumo has been running the business supported by taxi apps, for the last 9 months.
Patricia Mumo has been running the business supported by taxi apps, for the last 9 months.
Infact, I had to seek the help of the receptionist to help her get to my location.

When she arrived, I was so happy. You`d think I had seen my sister or a long time friend. As I settled to my sit, I quickly engaged her in a conversation regarding the business.

Me: “Wow, this is the first time I am getting into a taxi on taxi apps driven by a lady. Are you guys many?”

Patricia: “We don’t know each other, but maybe,” she answers.

Me: “You took too long to arrive, what happened?

Patricia: “The app showed a different location, I actually arrived in record time when you called. Next time when using taxi apps, just tap on the location cursor and point to the exact location. Automatic picking can get it all.”

Technology and taxi apps open up businesses to women
Technology and taxi apps open up businesses to women

As she teaches me how to use the location cursor when using the taxi apps, she quickly reminds me that it is not my fault. “Technology also errs, so no big deal!” she says.

Patricia and I are now at ease with each other, and our conversation spans from business to family and even reading habits.

Me: “Is the vehicle yours or…..” I did not want to complete the question. The vehicle is hers, and she takes me through the intricacies of Taxi Business when the vehicle belongs to someone else. These range from unmet targets, to working late or when sick just to make the business break even. The list was endless.

Me: “Now that the vehicle is yours, at what time do you close the business?”

Patricia: “Well, any time from 6.30 pm. I always pray that my last ride takes me closer home, otherwise I can get home later.”

Patricia is a mother of 2, a 4-year-old and a 2 and a half-year-old. She loves being home early, to spend time with her children and do homework with the 4-year old.

Patricia: “I don’t like it when my house help takes my child through homework. The teachers like a child who progresses well in their studies, and a parent`s involvement is very important,” she quips.

I love Patricia`s involvement in her child`s academic growth, and I am curious to know more about her reading habits. Coincidentally while on traffic, a book vendor shows us a collection of books. Patricia tells him she will buy another day. In Kenya, that is a `no` said in a kind way.

Me: “Do you read books?” I ask Patricia.

Patricia: “No. Actually, I don’t read at all. I love practical stuff, like, If you teach me how to drive a car, or install electricity, I just get it. Reading is not my thing,” she says.

I prod her further, knowing that social media has opened up people to reading information that could otherwise have been accessed only through books.

Me: “How about posts on social media like facebook or twitter. Are you on facebook?”

Patricia: “Yes I am on facebook, but I only read short posts. The only long posts I read are those that are very interesting.”

As I approach my destination, Patricia begins confiding in me as she would to her sister. We have become friends. She tells me that business on this particular day has been really bad.

Patricia: “I have only made KSh1,000 and the day is half spent. My stomach has been rumbling since morning and if there are no good prospects, I will end my day early today.”

I wish her well as I share remedies to stomach upsets. As I alight, I ask to take a selfie with her and she accepts.

This is a case of technology and taxi apps opening up business opportunities to women.